Sunday, 15 April 2012

Social Networks - Our Biographies in a Click.

The dangers of social networking sites are rather clear but it’s been argued that ‘the relatively open nature of the information, and the lack of privacy controls enacted by the users, Gross and Acquisti (2005) argue that users may be putting themselves at risk both offline (e.g., stalking) and online (e.g., identify theft)’. Social Networking should be avoided if you don’t feel comfortable with the information you need to provide. I took steps in this direction when I deleted my MySpace and bebo accounts from when I used to be active when 14-16 years old. All the memories I had gathered through photographs and bulletin posts with quizzes had gone in a click, but still available across the World Wide Web for retrieval. The Internet is not a place to be immature, the dangers have been made clear and it’s up to the parents and guardians to protect their children from harm that can be caused especially with the Internet, a place where anything can be said or done.

Even with all the bad press that social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace have received, there are still great ways to enjoy and be safe. Cyberspace allows those who do feel socially awkward or have lack of confidence to interact with others without damaging their low self esteem. The Internet is a portal for those who want to recreate themselves whether it’s a completely different character or a simple improvement of themselves. Whilst many others would disagree with this change, in my opinion I believe that escapism is a release for people who feel the need for conversation but within them cannot do this face to face. It’s a healthy alternative for interaction.

In summary, the dangers of social networking sites are clearly stated and most adults should know of what information is suitable to post on the Internet. Yet even so, many continue to be immature or even put themselves in danger of becoming a victim of stalking, identity theft and even damaging their careers. If treated correctly the Internet would be a place for education, news and happiness. The use of social networking sites as a portal for communication for loved ones, or even those who have low self esteem should be promoted and empathise as interaction is key for relationships with others, and the Internet allows us to do this. This benefits society and if we take care of what we post online, the Internet will remain a great source for those of all ages without damaging one another. I chose to delete certain accounts because I felt they were unnecessary and they could potentially harm myself, but I also believe to keep social network sites alive as I communicate with family and friends through one website which I find rather amazing. No matter how big the distance you are from another person at a click of the mouse you can be in their lives.

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